
[titleborder title=»CONTACT PAGE» color=»blue»][divider height=»20″]

This shortcode can be used only with the page template: Page Contact.

[divider height=»20″]

[map style="dark" zoom="14" coordinates="40.759277,-73.977064"]
	[marker style="dark" title="LOVE TRAVEL" color="green"]
		[infomarker text="Broadway Road 234 - 35127" icon="icon-home"]
		[infomarker text="Mail: hallo@youremail.com" icon="icon-mail-alt"]
		[infomarker text="Mobile: 0039349155567 (EN)" icon="icon-phone-squared"]

[divider height=»40″]

Parameters of the shortcodes

[divider height=»20″]

Parameters Description
[map style=»» dark for the black version map, light for the color map version
[map zoom=»» This parameter accepts a number
[map coordinates=»» Insert your google maps coordinates of your location in this format: 40.759277,-73.977064
[marker style=»» dark for the black version, light for the white version
[marker title=»» Insert a title for your info window
[marker color=»» Insert love travel color class: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet
[infomarker text=»» Insert a text for your information
[infomarker icon=»» Insert your icon retina code