
[titleborder title=»VIMEO VIDEO» color=»blue»][divider height=»20″][vimeo color=»14b9d5″ height=»445px» src=»http://player.vimeo.com/video/51618708″]
[divider height=»40″]


[divider height=»20″]

[vimeo src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/51618708"]

[divider height=»40″]

Parameters of the shortcodes

[divider height=»20″]

Parameters Description
[vimeo src=»» Insert url video of vimeo
[vimeo width=»» Use this parameter to define the width of the video, my advice is to use width=»100%»
[vimeo height=»» Use this parameter to define the height of the video in this way height=»300px»
[vimeo color=»» Use this parameter to define the color, in this way color=»ffffff»